I'm Cécile Sigonney, naturopath, coach and sophrologist.
I have always taken care of myself naturally, learning from my grandmother, my mother and
training in Barcelona at the prestigious HEILPRAKTIKER Institut Naturopathy School and in Coaching at the Institut GESTALT.
In my professional career I was also fortunate to work at the MANANTIAL DE SALUD.
Attentive, present and empathetic listening, to address all those questions you want to ask me.
Accompaniment in the process of becoming a more active agent of
your own health, so that your well-being is above all in your hands and not in that of a medical system.
All the information you need to learn how to take care of yourself.
Because your body is the only vehicle you have, your best friend and for life.
You have to take care of it!
Because to take care of your body you have to understand it first and also understand how you relate to it.
Your body can alert you when something is wrong and you have to know how to listen to it and pay attention to it.
Because if you take care of your body, it will return that care multiplied by a thousand.
Marion, Barcelona“Thanks to his pragmatic approach, Cécile allowed me, from the first session, to have a clearer vision of my current situation. By defining my career goals, I realized my priorities and the opportunities that were presented. ”
Raquel, Barcelona
“My coaching experience with Cécile has been fantastic! The sessions are short, clear, concrete, simple and the most important thing is that it goes to the point to make the sessions productive and take action. Thanks to her, I was able to focus on writing my first e-book and start building my own online business. ”
Ester, Barcelona
"From my experience as a client I can say that Cécile is a very good motivator with a great human quality, which has helped me to offer the world the best of me. It boosts self-esteem, and self-confidence. It makes it easier to access your work at all times. Thank you for your support. ”